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Lest We Forget
What better way to remember a life lived than through the life story being told littered with personal memories of the one you have known and loved than though a memorial service?
Whether it be for someone who lived life to the full, thought outside the box, were a bit of an odd ball or lived an ordinary life. Keeping their memory alive helps us to move forward and remind us of the values that they shared with us and for us to live by the lessons they have learned.
Getting everyone together on whom they had an influence or impact; in a style that celebrates their personality, Telling their story through shared experiences and memories with those they loved and loved them in return, is a sure fire way to keep their memory alive.
Whether you decide to hold a memorial ceremony for the scattering of ashes, hold an evening light ceremony or honour the memory after a simple funeral... then it can be done.
If it is on the anniversary of their death, their birthday or other memorable date, the location is up to you. Maybe they were a football fan, then why not the local stadium?
A dance music nut - then why not the local nightclub or maybe you prefer something closer to home - the choice is yours.
No matter your location, a memorial service is an opportunity to celebrate the life lived.
To remember the importance of the person you loved, knew and created memories with. So, let us celebrate their very being with shared stories, contributions, music with good humour at the good times had together.
A memorial service does not have to be a somber affair but can incorporate religious references, if so desired, as we give thanks and celebrate the person we have known and loved.

I’ve had so much feedback from people saying how amazing you were and how it was very much Mike style. I can’t thank you enough for your hard work. It was incredible !! - HOK, Stevenage