
The Next Chapter
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Looking for a way to celebrate the next chapter in your life?
No matter your age, your sexuality or circumstance. What matters is who you are and the fact that you wish to mark this next life stage with a declaration and confirmation of who you are and the next steps of your life journey. The changing of your name is a milestone event, no matter the circumstance.
Celebrating your sexuality is something to be shared with those you love and can help along the path of celebrating the journey you have taken thus far. To declare who you are and the path that you wish to travel, acknowledging what has brought you to this point of changing your name, one you may well have chosen.
A naming ceremony written with you at it's centre, sharing your hopes and aspirations with those who mean everything to you is a great way to start the new chapter of your life and declaring with those you love, who love you unconditionally and support you in your new life ahead.
Perhaps you are divorced, then a ceremony can be the first step in your new life as an individual.
Declaring your hopes and wishes for the future. Whether your separation be bitter or sweet you can acknowledge the chapter that is now closing and the new one beginning. Celebrating the next part of your life adventure with everyone who has and will accompany you on the next stage of your life.
Whatever your reason for a name change, we should celebrate the new beginning that this significant act represents, recognise it's importance to you and all the new energy that it provides.
Let's celebrate the new you and shout your name from the rooftops and all the positive hopes associated on the next step of your life journey.

" Thank you very, very much for today. You put loads of effort into making it all work.
Thank you for being there for us all. "​ JC, Ware